Another story about a technician shortage

Today I read another article about the looming mechanic shortages, but more interestingly I read the comments. Aviation-mechanic-shortage-looms-as-risk-for-industry Most are of the same vein in that the wages need to be better and the benefits improved. But what I think they miss sometimes is aviation is a passion. And we are running out of passionate people willing to overlook the drawbacks and dedicate themselves to this field. That passion does not magically start at the graduation ceremony at an A&P school it has to be nurtured long before. Labor shortages always exist when the economy improves. Skilled labor deficiencies exist in all industries that required the skills that are taught in A&P school. In fact, many companies are beginning to raid A&P schools for labor. Disney to name one just offered the entire graduating class of a school in Arizona. I remember an article recently about how many A&P school graduates leave aviation career ...